
Apic-em dna eve ng
Apic-em dna eve ng

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All of us who write social science journal pieces have a nonook in us, and more and more of us are publishing them all of us imagine that anything our past self has done our present self could do better, and stand ready to perpetrate improvements upon our own work we would never stand for from any editor. When an anthroologist, urged on by an attentive publisher, begins to gather together certain of his essays for a kind of retrospective exhibi­ tion of what he has been doing, or trying to do, over the iteen-year pe­ riod since his release from graduate school, he is faced by two tearing decisions: what to include, and how reverently to treat what is included. Ritual and Social Change: A Javanese Exampleħ1 "Internal Conversion" in Contemporary Baliĩ/ After the Revolution: The Fate of Nationalism in the New StatesĬhapter 10/ The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States Chapter 111 The Politics of MeaningĬhapter 12/ Politics Past, Politics Present: Some Notes on the Uses of Anthropology in Understanding the New StatesĬhapter 13/ The Cerebral Savage: On the Work of Claude evi-Strauss Chapter 14/ Person, Time, nd Conduct in Bali - Chapter 15/ Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockight Thick Description: Toward an InterpretiveĮthos, World View, and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols Library of Congress Catalog Card Numer: 73-81196 SBN: 46503425-X THE INTERPRETATION OF CULTURES SELECTED ESSAYSĬliford Geertz Bsic Books, Inc., Puhlishers NEW

Apic-em dna eve ng